Thursday, April 24, 2008

Shrimp Feed

When we were in Austin one time we went to a seafood place for lunch and the guy at the counter came out and dumped a steaming bowl full of crawfish, shrimp, crab legs, corn-on-the-cob, and red potatoes right on the table. We'd never seen such a thing! It was incredibly delicious and a tradition I could certainly embrace. We wound up with plates tonight for putting butter on corn and for melon, but we still managed to get a pretty authentic Texas moment. But darn, I should have put on some Bob Wills for atmosphere. A great old-time Texas band used to play on Friday nights at our favorite barbeque restaurant and people used to dance Texas-style--even the little kids knew how to two-step. I never want to live in Houston again, but I do get a bit nostalgic about Texas now and then...


Magpie Ima said...

I bet the kids loved that!

Anonymous said...

Yum! We were the very fortunate recipients of an invite to a friend's 40th birthday party last summer that featured this same meal -plus homemade gumbo- in his backyard. It was fabulous and such a treat to stand around the picnic table (sans plates) noshing and celebrating Joe's 40th. Cheers!
