Friday, March 21, 2008

A Little Sympathy, Please!

A and I are coughing and blowing noses and generally feeling suboptimal. Poor M had this cold earlier this week, his 4th or 5th cold this winter, not to mention the stomach bug he had early on. Or maybe it has only been a couple of colds with several relapses, I don't know. In any case, when he claimed to be getting a cold earlier this week, I was sick of him being sick and cranky, and I thought he just didn't want to go to gymnastics. Needless to say, I wasn't very sympathetic. Then he started coughing and coughing and it dawned on my that, yes, he was truly sick. Just because I'm running out of sympathy, that doesn't mean he feels fine. So now I'm feeling cruddy, and I hope people are nicer to me about it than I was to him! 

But M has bounced back and is feeling fine now, fortunately. He just dashed downstairs excitedly and said: "Mom! I just put in another Winnie the Pooh CD and its all these poems!! Pooh did them! You know, James James who lost his mother, and the one about lines and boxes, and Halfway up the Stairs--all your favorites! You've got to listen to this CD. You'll love it." Then he ran upstairs and got the CD for me. You see? I am getting much better treatment than he did.

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