Thursday, December 18, 2008

Question of the day

Why does mucus, unlike every other liquid I know of, get thinner and runnier when it gets cold? You'd think it would be disadvantageous, evolutionarily-speaking, to have icicles hanging from your nose.

This crazy weather has had the advantage of allowing us to be home, guilt-free, for five nights in a row (that is, guilt-free because we aren't home because we are flaking out on anything). I do hope we get a window of nice weather tomorrow, though, because A is dying to see her drama club friends, and M has a special outing with Grandma planned (and loafers may be involved, so his excitement knows no bounds). If not, it will be a great opportunity to do our Christmas baking. So far, we're actually not especially stir crazy, but we do miss seeing our friends. If only you guys lived on our block!

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