Saturday, October 18, 2008

Reading Slump

Remember when you used to end each day by snuggling into bed with a great book? How enriching and relaxing this ritual was? Some of you may still do this, but, alas, I've joined the bleary, red-eyed ranks of those who go down only after exhaustion overcomes the pain of jabbing earbuds. What have I become?!

True, I'm up on Anderson Cooper's take on the stock market roller coaster and I know how to handle a bear attack, being caught on an erupting volcano, how to spot Lion tracks, and how to catch piranhas, if I'm ever desperate enough to want to eat one (and in a jungle). I've learned how to make an LED fan sign, to convert a hot glue gun to a web-making machine, to make an amplifier from an Altoid tin, and a gigantic smoke ring machine from a garbage can. I've learned all about the amazing Science Museum they've been building in San Francisco and caught every Wired Science podcast in the past month, but I'm only about 40 pages into my book that I've been reading for at least 2 weeks.

I think part of the problem is my approach to finding books--that is, randomly picking books of the fiction shelves whose titles or book covers grab me. I've thought that I just wasn't fiction mode, but it occurs to me that maybe I'm just not reading great fiction. I've found some great memoirs on the New Arrivals shelf, but there hasn't been anything new there for a while that has really appealed to me. So I'm turning over a new leaf. Tonight, thanks to Worducopia and Wacky Mommy I have 15 books on hold at the library. Adult fiction, young adult fiction, memoirs, biographies. Surely something will grab me and help me tame the electronic monster that has taken over my bedtime ritual!


Ali said...

My best reading time is early in the morning, when I pick up the book I fell asleep into the night before and finally finish that paragraph I reread 4-5 times before giving up. :-) (And then keep going)

Can't wait to hear what you end up reading!

Anonymous said...

Well, yay!!! and yahoo. I'm reading so much good stuff right now. Much more entertaining than TV, and I sleep better, too. (ali -- I like the early morning reading, too.)

ElizO said...

I have a delicious-looking pile of about 7 books on the shelf by my bed, thanks to you lovely ladies, and have had some very satisfying evenings of reading in bed! Thanks, guys!