Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Not Back to School

The first day of school--ah, now we homeschoolers have OMSI and skating rinks and corn mazes and movie theaters and the parks back to ourselves during the schoolweek. Such luxury after having to share them with the masses all summer long.

But wait, this year we met our charter school teacher on the first day of school, so maybe I can't say "not back to school" anymore. We're hopeful the charter school will complement our homeschooling nicely, and it certainly will allow us to take more classes at our local homeschool resource center than we could without it, along with the use of some expensive curricula that look to be quite nice.

I like our teacher a lot--her specialty area is P.E., which is a great fit for me, since I seem to think the fresh air and exercise will cure whatever ails you. And, I actually think she'll be a great fit for A, as another role model in the mold of her wonderful older cousins. Lovely young women who, unlike me, have an awareness of modern clothing and makeup, in addition to being capable, resourceful, strong, and good-hearted women.

After spending some time this morning making muffins, cleaning house, and meeting the new teacher, we spent the afternoon with most of the drama club girls plus our homeschooling cousin. The sun was out, the kids ran around like maniacs playing tag, put on a circus, worked up some kind of dance routine to "Fart and Smell" (to the tune of "Heart and Soul"), etc.. Meanwhile, the younger brothers (except for M, who was here at home) apparently spent the afternoon playing in mud on Sauvie's Island and arrived back to get the girls dressed in nothing but towels and seatbelts. Homeschooling at its best.

Tomorrow A starts gymnastics back up, then Not Back to School day at Oak's Park on Friday. All the signs point to a good year, knock on wood.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh yes you can say not-back-to-school----A