Wednesday, June 4, 2008


This weekend A made up a schedule of what she thought we ought to be doing for schoolwork. Day 3, we're still in the honeymoon phase. The pleasure of checking off a box makes it all seem fun. The great thing is that A made it up herself, of her own accord. So it is heavily weighted in favor of things she wants to do and that allow her to use her brain to learn in a way that is satisfying for her. She gave herself several language arts assignments each week (work on an essay, freewrite, vocabulary on FreeRice) and geography (on the internet, using our talking globe). She has herself doing more math on the computer than in the Singapore workbook we're working through, but that is totally fine with me. Anyway, I'm delighted that she feels such ownership of her education; this was one of the goals of homeschooling. Also, a new chart is kind of like rearranging the furniture--suddenly everything looks so much more interesting!

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