Thursday, October 22, 2009

Botany Lesson

This is just what I was hoping would happen with this on-line science curriculum the kids are doing through our charter school. M is a really interested in science, and I haven't managed to do nearly as much as he'd like in the past year or so, so I was hopeful that this curriculum would be a hit. So far M has given it pretty favorable reviews, and today after doing a unit on flower anatomy he got inspired do some hands-on science. We went and found a few remaining flowers and cut them to pieces to find all the interesting bits.
We saw some extremely cool sights under the microscope, including this stamen laden with pollen. We used our old trick of putting the camera to the eyepiece, and you can kind of see what we saw. The bits of pollen looked like a bunch of teeny bright yellow insect eggs. Crazy.

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