Saturday, January 3, 2009


I love these girls. We've been doing a drama club this year, which is a continuation of science club from last year and writing club the year before. They are down to earth. They are good to each other. They disagree at times and sometimes get annoyed with each other, but I've never heard one of them say anything gossipy about anyone and I've never ever seen one of them try to exclude or put down another girl (that they aren't related to, anyway). I've heard many discussions where someone didn't like something that was happening, and she made a clear and reasonable request. And others listened to her and either honored the request or negotiated a reasonable compromise. When two disagree, I've heard others try to help them find a compromise or some understanding of each others' positions. I'm just so impressed with how they take care with each others' feelings, and how much fun they have. I hung out with some wonderful girls in my middle school years, and we had lots of fun and I think we treated each other well also, so I know that homeschoolers do not have the corner on the nice middle school girlfriend market, but I suspect it is a lot easier to be yourself and find your own voice when you are free from the scrutiny and judgement so common in middle school. I'm so glad A is growing up surrounded by girls like these.

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