Sunday, June 21, 2009

Silver Falls State Park, 2009

Yay, I found some pictures of our camping trip on the camera! OK, we stayed in cabins, but they didn't have indoor plumbing, so I think I still get to call it camping. Sort of.

Silver Falls is renown for the stunning views of many water falls, which are easily accessible by hiking trails from the campground. However, I saw exactly none of said falls because I was way too comfortable in my camping chair to haul myself out of it for a hike. Fortunately the cabin area was equipped with considerable natural beauty, plus some carts for hauling stuff from cars to cabins that were heavily used by our kids this weekend. 

Seriously, it was a kid's paradise. There was a stream that was about 20 feet across and about a foot deep that ran among the cabins, complete with huge logs fallen across it for bridges, a real foot and bike bridge, and little fish and other critters for catching and examining.

And most important, a plethora of great kids to play with.

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