Sunday, May 3, 2009

Thing One and Thing Two

Check out my new babies! Having only hats and wash cloths under my belt, these were a stretch for me, but completely worth it. It is just mind-boggling that you can do a couple little motions with needles and a piece of yarn, and the next thing you know you've woven this net that really does hold together. Then, some amazing person figured out a way to do these same basic stitches and have the fabric curve around in a perfect little heel shape! Incredible!

The whole time I was knitting Sock #1 I worried that it wouldn't be big enough around, so you can imagine my delight as it slid right over my heel with no trouble at all. Until I ran into the end of the sock at about the point where my toes start. Because they were too small I was going to give them to A, but as I worked away on the second sock and fell more in love with every stitch, I couldn't give them up. After I finished the second one, I undid the toe of Sock #1. It took about 30 seconds to undo it back to the point where I was going to pick it back up, and over 3 hours to get all the stitches back on correctly. That's more than 3 minutes per stitch, if anyone is counting. But, I managed to get them all on more-or-less correctly and re-finished Sock #1 this morning. I figured that if I had been paid my hourly wage for my work on these socks, plus needles and yarn, they would have cost me about $450. 

Now that I've worn these babies all day, the thought of going back to my boring old regular socks is bringing me down. I'm casting on Sock #1 of the next pair tonight. 


Ali said...

What a happy, happy picture! Sounds like you're hooked on sock-knitting!

Magpie Ima said...

Bitten by the sock bug! I totally get it! My first pair was way too big and I ended up giving them to Will, but I've loved making socks ever since. Small, portable, quick, and relatively cheap as knitting goes. Can't wait to see your next pair.